Uncertainty is everywhere. Capital is always scarce. Regulations and public perceptions change. Our firm’s full-service approach to applied economics focuses on optimizing both private and public-sector clients’ expenditures to achieve true long-term success.
Whether it’s Forecasting, Impact Analysis, or Feasibility, Harvey Economics delivers thoroughly compiled and expertly-researched reports that advance the decision-making capabilities of public entities and private companies. HE makes it our goal to stay a step ahead of our clients and be the go-to partner in their world.
Edward Harvey, Principal/Partner
Ed Harvey founded Harvey Economics in 2002, having devoted the bulk of his career to water, mineral, energy and environmental resource studies and community change in the western U.S. Before starting the firm, Mr. Harvey created the natural resource economics practice at BBC Research & Consulting in 1973 and served as a Managing Director from 1981 until 2002. Even after numerous public appearances and court testimony, Ed’s mother never believed that someone could really have a paying job doing this. During his 45-year career, Mr. Harvey has completed economic impact studies, analyses of future resource demand, rate studies, economic ramifications of drought, resource values and markets, quantification of economic benefits and costs of regulation and development, ability to pay studies, planning studies and financial feasibility of resource initiatives. Ed follows one rule: surround yourself with people smarter than you are, beginning with spouse and children and extending to co-workers.

Susan Walker, Director/PARTNER
After earning a Master’s Degree from Colorado State University, Susan joined Harvey Economics in 2005 and now serves as company Director. Her current life’s focus is economic consulting; she loves the detailed analytical work and enjoys working closely with clients. Susan will dive into any economic issue but particularly enjoys demographic analysis and forecasting, socioeconomic impact analysis, cost-benefit analysis, economic modeling, and feasibility assessments. Ms. Walker applies those skills to a variety of economic sectors and natural resource issues, including water resource planning, energy development, and recreational activity. Outside the office, Susan transforms into a benevolent drill sergeant to her two school age children. She also loves exploring Colorado and the West with her family. One of her great ironies: she grew up in the middle of New York City and ran off to Vermont to study forest economics before planting new roots in Colorado.

Jessica Harvey
Senior Associate/Partner
Jessica Harvey joined Harvey Economics in 2011 after completing a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Denver (DU) with an emphasis in Finance. She has worked on projects ranging from damage estimates in a large hospital case to water rights valuation estimates to market surveys. Jessica has a special enthusiasm for finance. She has spreadsheets for breakfast and dreams about present value at night. Ms. Harvey also brings a background in marketing, market research and communications to the firm. Yes, she is one of those strange finance people who also likes to communicate her findings. Outside of work, Jessica is a mom to a spunky little girl and a snoring French Bulldog, also the office mascot. Two Fun Facts about Jessica: while at Tulane University, she lit up New Orleans or rather, it lit her up; she is a workout fanatic who will try any kind of workout, having been a Yoga and Barre instructor in the past.

Kegan Reiswig
Kegan joined Harvey Economics in spring of 2019. He graduated from Minnesota State University and then obtained a Master’s degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign in 2014. Kegan rode the population flood to the Centennial State by working as a Statistician for Jackson Lewis P.C., a nationwide law firm specializing in employment and labor law matters. Mr. Reiswig is a scary quick study with a special ability to synthesize complex datasets into meaningful trends and defensible results. Kegan continues to ride the waves, rafting in summer and skiing in Winter. Like all good statisticians, he is also a baseball nut.

Jackie Sandoval
Research Associate
Jackie Sandoval has been with Harvey Economics since 2016. She was a new Colorado transplant from Texas, but the team decided to give her a chance anyway. After attaining her BS in Mathematics from the University of Texas at Austin in 2003, she learned the art of accounting working at a small, start-up biotech firm in San Diego. She broadened her accounting skillset by working in a variety of small businesses, as well as in her own self-serve dog wash as an owner/operator in Houston. Beyond the company accounting, Jackie assists with research and graphics for most reports. Jackie has now had all her vaccinations and so is easing into the world of economics. At home, Jackie loves cooking, spending time outside, and exploring with her husband and their two daughters.
Otis Green
Attitude Adjuster
Mr. Green joined Harvey Economics 10 weeks after birth. Otis attended PetSmart Dog Training School and received a certificate of completion with a few exceptions he will not divulge. He is yet to record a billable hour, commensurate with his salary. Otis does have perfect meeting attendance and excels at field work. Mr. Otie is the only one in the office never to have disagreed with Ed. Jessica carpools with Otis, also providing food, shelter and rabbits to chase.